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Donate Now!

With support from generous donors like you, we can continue to help so many individuals and families with their essential needs of food, clothing and household goods, and financial assistance.


You make it all possible.

We continue to be challenged to meet the growing needs of our community. Due to high inflation and reduced or canceled benefits, people are struggling to afford the basic needs.Visits to our food pantry and requests for financial assistance and other essentials have spiked, and the need continues to grow. Your gift will go far to help those in our community who desperately need help with food, clothing and household goods, and financial assistance.

Prefer to mail your donation?
Please send to:
Father Fred Foundation
PO Box 2260
Traverse City, MI 49685
Or call: 231-947-2055

To donate from your retirement assets or IRA, or to gift funds to the Father Fred Foundation in your Will, please contact us at 231-947-2055 and talk to Candice or Bob.